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    « Some Poems by Me | Main | Welbutrin »

    Genesis: TFMA


    It was a town of gravel and greed

    Of rape-cut logs weeping sap into the river

    Of Unholy rollers and whiskey drinkers and rollicking money men

    Of law breakers and lone wolves and loan sharks

    Poking their great sticks into the gyre

    Spewing their spunk against the shore.


    It was a town of machines

    fighting sleep until dawn with a hungry hohum

    churning time into dollars,

    chumming dollars into time.

    It was a town of  paychecks and strangers and honky tonk patrons

    Of paper and cotton and metal,

     Bright pennies, sore losers, and children

    Of Buckles and shit smears and liquor,

    Of lovers and shovels and death.


    It was a town of

    suckers and sinners greedily milked

    By those who were assholes by name and date and nature,

    It was a town of the faithful and fickle, fighting and

    clawing at their blood brimming eyes

     far from eden and hard of hearing,


    silently, blindly, anonymously

    sliding through the sluice gate of the 20th century.


    It was a town that was randy and  red cheeked,

    Burnished with drinking and dancing

    its skirts hitched up with splinters

    heels kicking dandelions and dirt

    in the alleyways.

    It was a town that was female and horny with the carress of trowels

     in brick crotches

    And hungry and female under the gliding mouths of fish.

    snacking on moss and stone and

    female with its cascade of slick hope and sweet tricks.


    The town was a big prick

    turgid at the head waters,  ballsy with investors

     Jerked off  by trains and trolleys and

    Time pieces, laughing, smashed,

    And coming hard under the hammering

    of 16 hour work days.




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