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    Link to my Etsy Shop:



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    Nina's Nook opens in Turners Falls

    I've rented a tiny slice of Avenue A in Turners Falls, Massachusetts and filled it with my art and craft. Pocketwheel pocket books, fabric bead jewelry, figurines and statues, cool paintings and cards and neat stuff that I continue madly to make! I'm open Friday and Saturday afternoons or make an appointment by calling 413.834.8800. Hopefully I will have time to put more stuff online as well.  


    Upcoming Exhibit



    First Performance of the "Wharf Rats"!!

    Finally, a working band. Jazz guitar, sax, two violins, bass. To be joined by electric bass guitar and then piano player (playing dollhouse piano). It's changed a bit from the original orchestra pit, but who knows what I will end up with. Check out the sculpture gallery to see pix!


    Bass Player and Violinist

    Two cold castings are completed in the Mouse Musician series. Next: the saxophone player. Then I will have a jazz trio. I find it rather nerve racking to pour these because it is a new technology for me. Hope I get in the comfort zone before too long.

     Check my sculpture gallery! 


    Pocket Wheels are Here!

    Pocket Wheels have their own gallery page now, with two different styles available to choose from.

    These handbags are are built around re-purposed tires from wheelchairs and bicycles.

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